Ain't you a sight for sore eyes? Whatever!
Leave a comment if you use my layout/fan art, please!!
Rainbows are pre-mades and Polaroid Gallery is extras,
and may Bloomed daises be requests:DD

    Leave me a commet/ request?

Me without you

i s l i k e
Mickey without Minny.
The night without darkness,
A dollar without George Washington,
A cat without whiskers,
Abercrombie without a moose,
A slut with out an STD,
A balloon without air,
Edward without Bella,
A vampire without blood,
Witty without quotes,
a perasite without a host,
the jonas brothers without music,
Lady Gaga without her outfits,
SharkBait without Whoohaha (nemo)
Glee without music,
School without homework,
Dance without moving your feet,
The ocean without salt,
A sunburn without the sun,
Adam without eve,
Zeus without Hera,
Grass thats not green,
A house without floorboards,
art without paint,
a pen without ink,
harry potter without magic,
The whitehouse without a president,
The world without laws,
A t.v without picture,
A straightner without hair,
A b●tch without a fight,
Drama without a cause,
A flower without its pedals,
The earth without air,
A book without pages,
babies without conception,
Thunder without lightning,
The beach without sand,
A pothead without pot,
War without guns,
Toes without feet,

& A heart


a beat

jayciecutie01s format jayciecutie01's format jayciecutie01's formaaaaaaaaaaaat hidde